The The Indiana Cheese Muncher is the first animated short created by Zoe Ramos–a 16-year-old girl on the autism spectrum who was mentored by animator, animation teacher, and Chief Creative Officer of DaniMation Entertainment, Dani Bowman.
It is also the first animated short distributed by DaniMation Entertainment while it was produced by Zoe’s production company Zobot Studios and created at Spectrum Laboratory.
The production including voice actors are all made by youth on the autism spectrum. Featuring Zoe Ramos herself, Shane McKaskle, Faith Butterfield, and Brandon Rodriguez. This short is animated on Harmony, Toon Boom Animation‘s professional software.
This animated short will premiere at San Diego Comic-Con Internationalon July 21st 2019 at 11:30am in Room 9 by the San Diego International Children’s Film Festival.
For those who are coming to Comic-Con, check out the schedule at:
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